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An Authentic Low-country Tour!

Hilton Head Island and Harbour Town Yacht Basin offer one of the Island most unique experiences as you are able to step aboard a fully functioning Shrimp Trawler. During this 2-hour tour you will learn from the captain and crew how a commercial shrimp trawler operates, and what it takes to bring little delicious item to our tables.

The trawling part of this trip takes place for roughly 45-minutes in the Calibogue Sound just off the tip of Daufuskie Island. As the trawling net is brought in the anticipation of the catch is high for everyone aboard and below as the dolphin are always trying to break-into the catch. It’s a sight like no other when the crew opens the bag to release the days catch onto the sorting table. See up-close the bi-catch or additional sea critters that found their way into the net including; squids, sharks, rays and much more.

If the catch was good that day you can even find yourself taking home a bag of freshly caught WILD Carolina shrimp! Shrimping season in the Carolina’s runs from roughly the end of May through the beginning of January.

During the spring months outside of shrimping season you can still join the crew on an expedition, but this time for Crabs! If you are wondering what type of excursion this could be it’s kinda like Deadliest Catch – minus the deadly part since it’s calm warm Carolina water.

Book โœ… your adventure today! ๐Ÿ‘‡